The concept of Nelna Mangoes is wholly unique: it is a concept that is founded on an unswerving commitment to exceptional quality and authenticity to the much loved taste of the King of fruits. Nelna is a part of a philosophy that goes beyond just business and sees what we do as an avenue of service to the community. When it comes to mangoes, it is one of nature’s bountiful gifts; a fruit that refreshes and heals. It is a fruit that comes in a beautiful variety of shapes, colours, tastes and textures depending on the subtle alchemy of soils, temperatures and environment. This unique variety in mangoes also poses a challenge as much as the the delectably indulgent reward it gives us to suit every taste and pattlette. This challenge is that of meticulous expertise in understanding mangoes inside out and the knowledge of selecting the finest. At Nelna, we understand that expertise can only come with experience and commitment to this delectable fruit. Founder of Nelna, Mr. W.G.EG Nanayakkara proved his passionate commitment to this amazingly diverse fruit in 2005 as a business diversification strategy from his core business of integrated poultry business, which is well established in Sri Lanka. We nurture our mangoes with great care Nelna mangoes are grown with special care in carbon quoted bags in order to safeguard the fruits from pests and potential diseases. While this process is a very labor and cost-intensive procedure, we believe that taking this extra step ensures the quality of our mangoes and results in happier consumers across the world. Every tree in our mango plantation is maintained at an average height of 10 feet through regular pruning, which results in the trees yeleiding mangoes all year around. All our mangoes are handpicked and is of the highest quality and ideal for the export market. Once the mangoes are harvested, the fruits are then carefully sent to our pack house for export packaging.
Nelna Mango
A taste of true, tropical paradise
Our Mission
“We will provide branded mango and mango products of superior quality that nourish and delight the lives of the world’s consumers. As a result, consumers will reward us with leadership sales, profit, and value creation, allowing our people, our shareholders, and the communities in which we live and work to prosper.”
We Give Our Mangoes Treatment That Is Fit For Royalty